Musicianship Mastery with David Lane
Do you want to be a great musician? A well-rounded musician? Maybe you’re already a good musician, and you want to take that next step. To do that, you need to be able to sight-read well, play by ear, compose or improvise, understand the art of practice, and be versatile in many other ways. Musicianship Mastery (formerly known as The Musician Toolkit) explores these tools, how to improve them, and how you can apply them to a variety of gigs and musical careers whether you’re a professional musician or a committed artist who makes your income outside of music. Join us on a quest to improve your musicianship and to make you the most well-rounded musician you can be!
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Welcome to The Musicianship Toolkit with David Lane! This podcast is dedicated to helping you improve your craft of musicianship. First, we need to discuss what goes in the toolkit. The skill of sight-reading, the ability to play by ear, the ability to practice effectively and efficiently, knowledge of music theory, and 16 more tools will be introduced here. Give yourself a rating of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) of each tool as it's introduced to see where you are right now. What tool do you need the most help with? What tools did I leave out? Send me a message at
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You can follow David Lane AND the Musician Toolkit podcast on Facebook @DavidMLaneMusic, on Instagram and TikTok @DavidLaneMusic, and on YouTube @davidlanemusic1
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Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Is it your goal to become a great musician? Are you already a working musician, but want to strengthen your craft? Are you a music student with strengths and weaknesses, and not always sure how to address that which needs improvement?
Do you need to learn how to be a better sight-reader? Do you need help playing by ear, transposing, or memorizing music? Do you sometimes struggle to know how much to practice a piece of music or skill, or what approach to take? Are you wanting to get better at improvisation, composing, music theory, learning 2nd and 3rd instruments?
If so, it sounds like you need to check out... The Musician Toolkit!
You can follow David Lane AND the Musician Toolkit podcast on Facebook @DavidMLaneMusic, on Instagram and TikTok @DavidLaneMusic, and on YouTube @davidlanemusic1
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You can also leave a voice message for possible inclusion on an episode at . Please leave at least your first name and what your message is regarding. Also feel free to say something about yourself if you're a musician and/or a teacher.